It's Amplify Austin Day!

It's Amplify Austin Day!

Invest in Austin’s Creative Community!

This Amplify Austin Day we are raising funds for our Artists’ Emergency Fund, Our Sponsored Projects, and for a vibrant Arts Sector!

Learn About How the Emergency Fund is Making a Big Impact!

Austin Creative Alliance

Austin Creative Alliance is a 501c3 nonprofit serving the music, arts, arts and culture sector. Founded in 1974 as the Austin Circle of Theaters (ACoT), in 2009 at the recommendation of CreateAustin, The City of Austin’s Cultural Master Plan, the organization was renamed and adopted a new development and advocacy mission inclusive of all artistic disciplines.
  • Austin Creative Alliance advances community-driven cultural work, connects resources to the arts, music, and preservation sectors, and advocates for the growth of sustainable cultural investment.

  • Over 400 individual artists, musicians, and creators and nearly 150 grassroots  cultural organizations. 

  • An Austin, Texas where a vibrant arts and cultural community enhances the  quality of life for all.

  • Service; Inclusion; Diversity; Equity; Accessibility; Integrity; Accountability.

Our Programs

Affordable Arts Space

Below market studio, rehearsal, housing and work spaces for artists  of all disciplines.

Now Playing Austin

Nonprofit, ad free, cultural event listings for Central Texas, elevating the marketing of grassroots cultural events by offering complete access with no financial barrier of entry.

Artists’ Emergency Fund

Grants up to $1000 for creative and cultural sector professionals facing immediate housing, food, or healthcare insecurity.